Wolfenstein the old blood коды к игре. Чит коды на Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (PC)

В задании "Юпитер: найти на территории завода схрон, забрать содержимое и принести Апостолу." не могу найти этот схрон. В месте, где он должен находится, нет самого рюкзака.
Тайник в обновленной версии в другом месте. Рядом с кабиной пульта управления стоят большие цистерны. За одной из них находится тайник Апостола.

После разговора со старым другом в бункере ученых иду на Скадовск, где пропадает человек и спрашиваю у Хасана не видел ли он и Бороду спрашиваю, тот отвечает что даст знать если узнает что-то. Затем возвращаюсь в бункер ученых и Новиков сам начинает Диалог каждый раз как прохожу мимо него, но в диалоге нет ничего кроме слова - Пока.
У тебя должно быть три пси-шлема. Тогда с Новиковым диалог появится.

Изменил на улучшенное освещение dx10, так все равно виснет игра
На DX11 сменить

Прошел все задания на Затоне и Янове. Появилось задание "Узнать про Путепровод - 1". Поговорил со сталкером на Янове - он отправил к Нео. Нео сказал, что не хочет сейчас разговаривать. Что делать? Кстати не было заданий от Кайдана, Дэна и про Парацельса как в 1.1
Иди в Припять, за тайником Старого. В Припяти будет квест от Мутабора... После выполнения этого квеста, появится смс и задание от Кайдана. А дальше всё по игре...

Что делать если забрал гаусс из лаборатории х-8, вышел из нее, а дальше ничего?. И должен ли я убить Дэна? Или его найти надо и поговорить?
В Х-8 нужно забрать не только гаусс, но и доки Сыча. После выхода из лаборатории ищешь Стрелка (Следопыта), говоришь с ним и вы все телепортируетесь в прачку. Ну а дальше по сюжету. Что касаемо Дэна, то он сам тебя найдёт. Просто играй и встретишься с ним.

Вышел из лабы, подходил как к Стрелку так и к Зулусу, но диалога нету. А по поводу Дэна я имел ввиду, должен ли я был его убивать возле Янова, когда он пришел и открывать кейс?
Дэн на тебя напал, вместе с Петрухой... Как ты думаешь, должен ты был его убивать? Естественно должен... Диалог со Стрелком должен быть... В лабе ты спасаешь Деревянко. Забираешь гаусс и доки. Кейс открывать какой, с общаком? Ну это твоё дело... Его можно вскрыть. Кстати, вероятно ты пропустил целую цепочку квестов. На Скадовске должен появиться Шаман, он даёт квест на встречу с Боровом. Боров в свою очередь выдаёт квест на поиск общака. И вот когда ты убиваешь Дэна и забираешь у Петрухи кейс, то несёшь его Борову. Ну а дальше по обстоятельствам.

На Скадовске никого не было. Все квесты кроме источника силы я прошел, а сам источник силы я искать не знаю где, все пробежал, но не нашел. А по квесту с Дэном слишком сильная заморочка, я бегал часа 2 искал по локациям, когда квест дали, так и не нашел, а после он просто появляется с Петрухой и пытаются убить.
Просто надо внимательнее читать диалоги и просматривать найденные КПК. Всё достаточно понятно. Внимательнее играй и всё будет нормально. А по поводу Шамана, который даёт квест на встречу с Боровом, то он появляется на Скадовске, после того, как ГГ приходит на Затон, после смс от Бороды, уже после побега Сыча. Шаман этот стоит на верхней палубе, рядом с Парацельсом.

In TemTem, there is a chance capture some creatures however, in early access the game does not have many to discover. Even so, the cdreaters have left several TemTem that are quite rare to find, and that you may not even have heard yet and that it would be good if you find them.

Saku Location : You can find this creature near the Gifted Bridges, an area that you will locate along the path of Route 3.

Saipat : It seems that this creature usually appears rarely along the Thalassian Cliffs, but its appearance rate seems to be very low.

Some players have also said that they have been able to see it in the Windward Fort, route 2 and even route 3.

Barnshe : It is a fairly powerful creature, which even has one of the strongest attacks discovered so far. To find this creature you must go to the Windward Fort, specifically to the upper floor.

Oceara : Get the surfboard and go to the Sillaro River, specifically to the docks. Once you arrive, go to the right of the docks, go up a little and find the seawater cave.

As soon as you have entered the cave, you must go to the north until you find a very long corridor. From there, go down, then turn right and go back up to find a new room where there should be a waterfall. Well, in this room you should find a natural pool at the bottom of the newly discovered waterfall and that is where you should find this rare creature.

After your battle with Rawiri at Mokupuni Dojo, your progress through the game will become increasingly difficult. Carlos will ask you to set a trap for Clan Belsoto and you steal their clothes, then you face the clan and Dr. Hamijo inside the Volcano.

How to beat Dr. Hamijo?

Hamijo mainly has Temtem fearing the Electric type. So don’t hesitate to use Ganki (or Gazuma) at the head of the team to face his Saipat, his Kalabyss and his Zaobian. For the rest, don’t hesitate to capture a Fire type Temtem and level it up to face the Taifu of Hamijo. There will only be one Gazuma left that you can take down with your own Gazuma or your Crystle starter (if you chose this one). Earth attacks will also be effective against Gazuma.

List of Temtem of Hamijo

Gazuma: Electric and Wind types (Level 28)

Kalabyss: Water and Toxic Types (Level 28)

Zaobian: Watch out for his Tesla Prison Electric attack / Type Digital (Level 32)

Taifu: Type Nature (Level 28)

Saipat: Type Water (Level 28)

Once Dr Hamijo is defeated, Carlos will give you the precious Crystal Skates.

This guide we’ll show you some useful tips on how to use the time machine to find and defeat the secret boss in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot (DBZ Kakarot)

As you progress through the game you’ll notice that certain type of enemies (red aura) called Villains are growing in the different regions and that they usually have a level above the average of the opponents that you usually encounter. Even if you can face them, it’s better to leave them until you finish the game as they’ll lead to find the secret boss Mira and Towa.

For this you’ll have to wait until you complete the game to have the time machine available. So once you complete the game, you already have the time machine available, here you must create a team with your three best fighters and go for all these villains that leave in the different areas. However, these villains are going to have levels ranging from 30 to 100 so they won"t be easy.

Our goal is to end all these most powerful versions of the enemies of the game, and you’ll go to the next region where you must repeat the same dynamic of ending all the villains so that all the most powerful versions of the great enemies appear, and so on.

When are done with all the villains and super enemies of each of the regions, Towa will already have completed his process and will bring back Mira, his great warrior. In that case you’ll have to go to the general map and press "triangle" on PS4 or "Y" on Xbox One to show various zones such as Namek, The planet of Kaito and the Kais world.

In the Kais world there is a special red icon that represents the fearsome Mira that has a level 100 and you must defeat him. Remember that this enemy has dark versions of very powerful techniques such as the energy bomb, and you will require a very high level of your characters to be able to defeat him.

As soon as you beat him, both Mira and Towa will escape to another temporary strip and they will definitely leave your region, but the villains with the red aura will appear again in the different areas that you can use to search experience and thus climb fast level your characters.

In Legends of Runeterra (LoR), Shards are in game currency that can be used to buy cards, build your deck and unlock shipments every week.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to earn Shards quickly in LoR.

Unlock Weekly Vault

Play Expeditions

This game mode will offer you to build a special deck from proposed cards and compete against other players to accumulate a maximum of winnings. The more games you win, the higher your rewards (the maximum being for 7 wins). However, two consecutive defeats in this mode will eliminate you from the match! You will then receive rewards based on your number of wins.

In LoR, you can play a maximum of 3 expedition sessions per week. It is therefore impossible, like other similar game, to use this mode in order to intensively farm the cards. However, the rewards are very attractive and it is necessary to do your 3 runs per week if you want to optimize your progress as much as possible.

Increase Your Region Levels

You can pick a region of your choice to gain XP which you can use to level up in LoR. For each level done, you’ll get rewards including chests that give Shards. In addition, your progress may allow you to get champions from said regions. You can only pick to climb one region at a time, but it is quite possible to pick another region at any time. The last award from each region will unlock champions.

Duplicate Cards

Another method to earn Shard, card recycling will allow you to clean up your collection somewhat and enrich it. To compose a deck on LoR, you can only align the same card 3 times in your stack. Therefore if you have 4 times the same card, the last will automatically transform into 25 shards if it is "common" or 75 shards if it is "rare".

For an epic card or more, it will automatically transform into another card of the same rarity which you don’t already have in 3 copies.

Monster Hunter World Iceborne players on PC are experiencing numerous performance issues at launch. Capcom has apologized for the technical problems that accompany the release. Until a patch is released, we have compiled some tips here to make things better. You don"t have to expect a miracle, but they can improve things more or less individually, and make a difference in the end.

Nvidia Cards:

Update your Nvidia drivers to the latest.

In the Nvidia Control Panel, open "Manage 3D Settings", deactivate the "Low latency mode" option if it is activated.

In the same panel, you can try to disable vertical synchronization.


Close unnecessary applications as much as possible, like your Internet browser.

Open the task manager and select MHW in the programs. Right click then details, in the new tab, select it, then put its priority high.

Секретные уровни Wolfenstein 3D: Все девять уровней от "Эпизод 1: Побег из Wolfenstein" в Wolfenstein 3D скрыты в девяти главах Кошмарного уровня сложности в Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. В каждой главе нужно искать секретную комнату с пустой кроватью, светом, и Wolfenstein 3D постером. Подойдите к подушке на кровати, чтобы отобразить сообщение "Кошмар". Держите [Действие], чтобы активировать бонус уровень, который соответствует вашей главе. После смерти в бонус уровне, вы будете просыпаться снова в спальне был запущен бонусный уровень. Вы можете повторить любой уровень Nightmare. Как только вы просыпаетесь от кошмара, вы сможете вернуться в постель и ввести Кошмар снова. Секретный уровень в Wolfenstein 3D: Начните первый уровень в Nightmare с Wolfenstein 3D. Перейти к комнате в конце 1 этажа, рядом с местом где находится лифт на 2 этаж. Поверните направо и ищите на на стене чтобы найти скрытую комнату. Поищите стены внутри секретной комнаты, чтобы найти лифт, который может быть использован для того чтобы достичь секретный уровень 10, "Этаж 10".

Secret Wolfenstein 3D levels: All nine levels from "Episode 1: Escape From Wolfenstein" in Wolfenstein 3D are hidden in the nine Nightmare chapters in Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. In each chapter, search for a secret room with an empty bed, a light, and a Wolfenstein 3D poster. Walk up to the pillow on the bed to display a "Nightmare" message. Hold to activate the bonus level, which corresponds to the chapter it was found in. After dying in the bonus level, you will wake up again in the bedroom you started the bonus level from. You can replay any Nightmare level. As soon as you wake up from a Nightmare, you will be able to go back to bed and enter the Nightmare again. Secret level in Wolfenstein 3D: Start the first Nightmare level from Wolfenstein 3D. Go to a room at the end of Floor 1, near where the Floor 2 elevator is located. Turn right, and search the wall to find a hidden room. Search the walls inside the secret room to find an elevator that can be used to reach Secret Level 10, "Floor 10".

"Goldene Pistole" option:

Collect all 64 gold items. Then, enter the "Options" menu and enable the ""Goldene Pistole"

selection to play with golden guns.

Easy "Wolfenstein Keep nightmare" achievement or trophy:

In Chapter 3, progress past the dining room suite. Open the trap door with your crowbar.

Hop over the fence to discover a hidden area with the third nightmare.

Easy "Uber hero" achievement or trophy:

Complete the game under any difficulty setting. Choose to play the last chapter from the

main menu, and do so under the Uber difficulty setting.

Easy "Keep foyer combat master" achievement or trophy:

Play under the "I"m Death Incarnate!" difficulty setting. Avoid complete stealth. This

means you should not kill both commanders on maps where they are present. Instead, kill

one commander and leave one alive, because he will sound the alarm when you kill someone

loudly or when he sees you. That alarm will spawn more enemies which is required for

getting enough points for a gold medal. During the first few stealth maps start by

collecting as much ammunition and armor as possible without being seen. Next, find a

safe location to pick off enemies with headshots with the bombenschuss or assault rifle.

Position yourself where you cannot get attacked from behind. Try to get as many headshots

as possible. Getting combo kills will not always be easy. Avoid getting too much damage
